10 DAB III (De Acetyl Baccatin) USDMF No-19260
Alchem International with 75 years of experience in the phytochemical space has been diligently providing plant derived ingredients, active pharmaceutical ingredients and bulk drugs to all international significant geographies.
The success of the company's operations lie in its proprietary manufacturing processes, intensive research, willingness to combat new challenges, mesh with evolving technologies ,focussed expansion and credible response to international validations and inspections.
The production sites are US FDA approved and WHO and EU GMP certified. The company has filed ASMF/DMFs in over 20 countries worldwide. Value additions through bio-technology, semi-synthesis and foot prints in the formulation space have happened in planned progression. Alchem's interest in skin care is a logical part of this dimensional growth.
Sheer Quality drives Alchem’s operations
Through perfect blend of science and nature, dedicated research, selection of finest botanical herbal extracts and focused technology, Alchem has successfully extracted the potent active molecules in the plant and offers it for pharmaceutical use to help various companies spread wellness.
10 DAB III (De Acetyl Baccatin)
"For pharmaceutical use, Alchem offers 10 DAB III (De Acetyl Baccatin) with all its inherent benefits"
10-Deacetylbaccatins (10-DAB) are a series of closely related natural organic compounds isolated from the Pacific yew tree (Taxus brevifolia) and related species. Taxus baccata or the European yew is distributed throughout the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. 10-DAB III is an intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of the taxane, paclitaxel. Taxanes are diterpenes produced by the plants of the genus Taxus (yews), and are widely used as chemotherapy agents.
The principal mechanism of action of the taxane class of drugs is the disruption of microtubule function. Microtubules are essential to cell division, and taxanes stabilize GDP-bound tubulin in the microtubule, thereby inhibiting the process of cell division — a "frozen mitosis". Thus, in essence, taxanes are mitotic inhibitors. Taxanes are also thought to be radiosensitizing. In addition, the esterification of 10-DAB III causes an enhancement in the kinetics, and in the pharmacological profile of important chemo-therapeutic agents such as Paclitaxel and docetaxel.
Taxanes are currently being investigated as possible treatment for certain cancers, and paclitaxel, is approved for treatment of AIDS-related Karposi sarcoma, breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, and ovarian.
The product addresses broad spectrum physiological concerns and has the band width and capabilities to meet expectations. Regular use should exhibit demonstrable results to inhibit various health related issues.