Pygeum Extract (USP)
Alchem International with 75 years of experience in the phytochemical space has been diligently providing plant derived ingredients, active pharmaceutical ingredients and bulk drugs to all international significant geographies.
The success of the company’s operations lie in its proprietary manufacturing processes, intensive research, willingness to combat new challenges, mesh with evolving technologies ,focussed expansion and credible response to international validations and inspections.
Sheer Quality drives Alchem’s operations
Through perfect blend of science and nature, dedicated research, selection of finest botanical herbal extracts and focused technology, Alchem has successfully extracted the potent active molecules in the plant and offers it for pharmaceutical use to help various companies spread wellness.
Pygeum Extract
"For pharmaceutical use, Alchem offers Vinpocetine with all its inherent benefits"
Pygeum is a herbal remedy containing extracts from the bark of Prunus africana. Pygeum africanum, a member of the Rosaceae family, is an evergreen species found across the entire continent of Africa at altitudes of 3,000 feet or higher. Pygeum africanum bark extract contains several naturally-occurring chemicals that contribute to its therapeutic action. The active constituents of Pygeum extract include phytosterols that have anti-inflammatory effects, pentacyclic triterpenes that have anti-edema properties, and ferulic acid nesters that reduce prolactin levels and block the accumulation of cholesterol in the prostate.
Many mechanisms may explain pygeum's effects on benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). These include a slight decrease in levels of testosterone and prolactin (which stimulates intraprostatic dihydrotestosterone synthesis and testosterone uptake), a decrease in the excitability of the detrusor muscle, antiestrogenic effects (which may block the initiation of hyperplasia), a decrease in the proliferation of fibroblasts within the gland, and an increase in prostatic secretions (which may help to alleviate irritation within the urethra). Pygeum bark shows the inhibition of the enzyme 5 - a-reductase, preventing the conversion of testosterone (T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and will stop androgen receptor-mediated actions of DHT on skin.
In herbal medicine, pygeum is typically used in treatment of conditions such as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), inflammation, erectile dysfunction, kidney disease, male baldness and urinary tract disorders.
The product addresses broad spectrum physiological concerns and has the band width and capabilities to meet expectations. Regular use should exhibit demonstrable results to inhibit various health related issues.